-) Noun.
-) Pronunciation: djuːp.
-) Etymology: from French dupe “deluded person”.
-) Documented since 1600.
-) Meaning: a person who has easily been deceived or is easily deceived.
-) Translation: dupe, in French; incauto, in Spanish; babbeo, in Italian.
-) Synonyms: gull, simpleton, fool.
Sometimes the dupes would come back the following day, and demand the return of their money, as they had ascertained that the goods for which they had parted with it were worthless,
G. Reynolds… The mysteries of London… 1844
What a dupe he had been! what a shallow, miserable fool! for he had believed as firmly in Margaret Wilmot's truth, as he had believed in the blue sky above his head.
Braddon… Henry Dunbar… 1864
-) With the preposition “of” + noun of the deceiver:
My charming friend, understand your own interests, and do not be the dupe of those fine phrases that we are obliged to employ to deceive others.
Edgeworth… Leonora… 1806
I am not so vain as to be the dupe of such a trick.
The Repository of arts… 1809
Perhaps you think that I am fool enough to be the dupe of your miserable and flimsy artifice, Cecilia?
G. Reynolds… The mysteries of London… 1844
The more I think of this, the stronger becomes my conviction that I have not been the dupe of a heartless or mercenary woman.
Braddon… Henry Dunbar… 1864
-) With the preposition “to” + noun of what is employed to deceive:
… from a milkiness of disposition, without the direction of prudence, […] he suffered himself to become a dupe to the artifices of some designing men.
Mackenzie… Julia… 1777
I became a dupe to his deceit.
Smollett… The Adventures… 1829
At least, all we know of his character inclines us rather to believe that Napier was a dupe to his own imagination, than that he desired to impose upon the opposite party…
Scott… Essay on Border Antiquities… 1834
-) Words derived from “dupe”: dupedom, dupism, duper, dupery, dupable, dupability, dupe (v).
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