Accent: wantedness
Etymology: from wanted (= lacking, missing; desired, needed.), which is derived from the verb want.
Definition: the fact or condition of being wanted (desired, needed, etc.)
Antonym: unwantedness
Synonym: desiredness
Equivalent periphrases in other idioms: el hecho de ser buscado o requerido, in Spanish; il fatto d’essere richiesto o cercato, in Italian; le fait d’être cherché, in French.
Other vocables etymologically linked: unwanted, want (noun, verb), wanted, wanting, wantable, wantage, wanter, wantful, wantingly, wantingness, wantless, wantlessness.
This distinction is essentially the difference between the intentions of an individual (or couple) with respect to conception and feelings of wantedness for the pregnancy or child after conception.
Michael B. Bracken (Perinatal Epidemiology)
Although overall 91 percent of the girls and women reported that their first intercourse was voluntary, many nonetheless related the wantedness of the experience in the low or middle range.
Jody Raphael (Saving Bernice)
Although most girls define the first time they have intercourse as being consensual in that the experience was no forced on them, there is variation in how much they desired sex. Flanigan (2003) asked girls about the “wantedness of sex” in consensual intercourse.
Richard D McAnulty – M. Michele Burnette (Sex and Sexuality)