Antiacademy English Dictionary


viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2010






Accent: unartful

Etymology: it is the adjective artful, to which un- is prefixed. Artful is compounded with art and suffix –ful.

1. (Of a person) being not artful; unable to do artfully something.

Synonyms: unskilful, maladroit, artless

Approximate synonymous periphrasis: que no es demasiado artificioso, in Spanish; che non è troppo artificioso, in Italian; qui n’est trop pas artificieux, in French.

I was too incautious and unartful in my proceeding; but practice makes perfect. John Adams (The Works of John Adams)

2. (Of a thing, an action, of an art, etc.) being not artful; made by someone who is not artful.

Antonyms: artful, crafty.

Approximate synonymous periphrasis: que no es demasiado artificioso, in Spanish; che non è troppo artificioso, in Italian; qui n’est trop pas artificieux, in French.

The letter was not an unartful composition. Bryan Edwards (The History, Civil and Commercial, of the British West Indies)

Every mesh of the unartful net had been conspicuously laid in their path. Thomas Bacon (The Oriental Annual)

Other English vocables derived from, or compounded with, art: artful, artfully, artfulness, artifice, artificer, artificership, artificery, artificial, artificialism, artificiality, artificialize, artificialized, artificializing, artificially, artificialness, artify, artifying, artiness, artisan, artisanship, artist, artistdom, artistic, artistical, artistically, artist-like, artistly, artistry, artless, artlessly, artlessness, artlet, art-like, artsy, arty, inert, inertia, inertial, inertialess, inertially, inertion, inertly, inertness, unartistic, unartificial, unartificially, unartistlike, inartistic, inartificial, inartificiality, inartificially, inartistical, inartisticality, inartistically, unartfully

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