Etymology: derived from English pursuant, which is the present participle of Old French poursivre (= to pursue). Old French poursivre is from the Latin verb prosequi (= to follow), and is composed with pro- (=forward) and sequi (= to follow).
Definition: in a manner that is pursuant or consequent; consequently.
Equivalents: consecuentemente, in Spanish; conséquemment, in French; conseguentemente, in Italian.
As noted earlier, the process of healing in a complex hospital situation involves several tasks undertaken by different departments specializing in each of these tasks. Pursuantly, the professionals in each of these departments too would vary in terms of their specialization and roles. B. R. Sinha (Encyclopedia of Professional Education)
***Construed with the preposition to:
Conséquemment à, in French; conseguentemente a, in Italian; consecuentemente a, in Spanish.
[…] now that we have a thoroughly constitutional form of Government under which the Revenue of the Crown is in reality the property of the people, to be appropriated and disposed of for their benefit pursuantly to their wishes […] William Hey (The Lower Canada Jurist, 1869)
I was determined, by these circumstances, to examine the virtues of this herb preferably to all others; and, pursuantly to such intention, I consulted many of the ancient and modern writers on the subject. Edmund Burke (Dodsley’s Annual Register)
[The National] was arbitrarily precluded from furnishing to its subscribers, pursuantly to its contract with them, one of the most important articles of intelligence which a daily newspaper professes and undertakes to supply. John Stuart Mill – Ann P. Robson – John M. Robson (Newspaper Writings) Other English vocables derived from, or compounded with one of the radicals of, Latin sequi: sequacious, sequaciously, sequaciousness, sequacity, sequel, sequence (noun, verb), sequenced, sequencing, sequencer, sequency, sequent, sequential, sequentially, sequentialism, sequentiality, sequentiary, sequently, sequester, sequestered, sequestrate, sequestrated, sequestration, sequestrator; subsequent, subsequence, subsequential, subsequentially, subsequently, consequence, consequenceless, consequent (noun, adj.), consequential (noun, adj.), consequentiality, consequentially, consequentialness, consequently, consecution, consecutive, consecutively, consecutiveness, inconsecutive, inconsecutively, inconsecutiveness, inconsequence, inconsequent, inconsequential, inconsequentialism, inconsequentiality, inconsequentially, inconsequentialness, inconsequently, inconsequentness, second (noun, adj., verb), seconding, secondarily, secondariness, secondary (adj., noun), secondee, seconder, seconding, secondly, secondment, secondness, unseconded; executable, executancy, executant, execute, executed, executer, executing (noun, adj.), execution, executional, executionary, executioner, executioneress, executive, executively, executor, executorial, executorship, executory (noun, adj.), executrix, re-execute, misexecute, misexecution, exequies, exequial, exequatur, intrinsic, intrinsical, intrinsicality, intrinsically, intrinsicalness, extrinsic, extrinsical, extrinsicality, extrinsically, extrinsicalness, extrinsicate, extrinsicism, extrinsicist, obsequious, obsequiously, obsequiousness, obsequiosity, obsequy, obsequence, obsequent, unobsequious, unobsequiousness; persecute, persecuted, persecuting, persecutee, persecution, persecutional, persecutive, persecutiveness, persecutor, persecutory, persecutress, unpersecuted, unpersecutive, pursuit, pursuable, pursual, pursuance, pursuant, pursue, pursued, pursuing, pursuingly, pursuer, unpursued, ensue, ensuer, ensuing (noun, adj.), sue, suable, suability, sueable, sued, suit (noun, verb), suitability, suitable (adj., adv.), suitableness, suitably, suitcase, suitcaseful, suite, suited, suiting, suitor, suitorship, suitress, suity, unsuitable, unsuit, unsuitability, unsuitableness, unsuitably, unsuited, unsuiting, lawsuit, nonsuit, nonsuiting, missuit, sect, sectarial, sectarian, sectarianism, sectarianize, sectarianizing, sectarianly, sectarism, sectary, sectator, sectism.
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