Antiacademy English Dictionary


jueves, 15 de julio de 2010






Plural: misattributions

Accent: misattribution

Etymology: composed with prefix mis-, with the value of amiss, and the English noun attribution.

Derived word: misattributor.

Definition: attribution of a work, act, etc. to the wrong person or to the wrong cause.

The problem of misattributed paternity is a more difficult one. If such misattribution is random, then the estimates may be less precise, but unbiased. Far more problematic is when the misattribution is not at random. Of particular concern is misattribution of peternity to men who are less antisocial than the true fathers. Debra J. Pepler (The Development and Treatment of Girlhood Aggression)

[…] it is the intentional misattribution of the work that is plagiarism, not necessarily the use of the work itself. Thomas A. Lang (How to Write, Publish and Present in the Health Sciences)

[…] this assertion is based on the misattribution to Lovecraft of two letters, signed “Augustus Swift”. Robin Anne Reid (Women in Science Fiction and Fantasy)

[The right] protects the author against the misattribution to the author of an altered work. Ysolde Gendreau (An Emerging Intellectual Property Paradigm)

English words composed with tribuere: attributable, attributal, attribute (noun, verb), attributed, attributeless, attributer, attributing, attribution, attributive, attributively, attributiveness, unattributable, unattributively; contribute, contribuent, contributable, contribution, contributional, contributive, contributively, contributiveness, contributor, contributorial, contributorship, contributory, distribute, distribuend, distributable, distributary, distributed, distributing, distributedly, distributee, distributing, distribution, distributional, distributionally, distributism, distributist, distributival, distributive, distributively, distributiveness, distributivity, distributor, distributorship, distributory, distributress, undistributed, misdistribution, redistribute, redistribution, redistributive, redistributory, retribute, retributing, retribution, retributionist, retributive, retributively, retributor, retributory, retributress; tributable, tributary, tributarily, tributariness, tribute (noun, verb), tributed, tributing, tributor, tributorian.

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