_masturbation _
Plural: masturbations.
Pronunciation: mæstɜːbeɪʃən.
Etymology: from an assumed Latin masturbatio, the noun from a Latin verb masturbari (= to masturbate), which is of uncertain origin. It is etymologically and semantically identical to Spanish masturbación, French masturbation and Italian masturbazione.
Definition: the action of masturbating someone or oneself; erotic manipulation accomplished solitarily or in company.
Another plus to mutual masturbation is that you get familiar with how your partner responds to your touch. You gain knowledge of your partner’s body and orgasms, while sharing an amazing sexual experience.
Sari Locker… The Complete Idiot’s Guide…
-) As an adjective:
The door jingles and a troop of college girls come in laughing a little too loudly. Probably here for a gag gift. They push, and joke, and make a lot of noise, picking things up and giggling, as if trying very hard to show that this is funy […]. They come up to the counter with an inflatable sheep and a purple mouth-shaped masturbation toy.
Jack Dunn… Hard
Words derived from MASTURBATION: masturbational, masturbate, masturbatic, masturbator, masturbatory, masturbatorily.