Antiacademy English Dictionary


viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2018



Pronunciation: ræʃ.
Etymology: from Middle English rasch.
Comparative form: rasher. Superlative form: rashest.

It is dated from the beginning of 1300.
1. (Of someone) acting with rashness or inconsideration; doing rashly an action, without consideration of consequence; behaving imprudently.

Synonyms: hasty, reckless, overhasty, imprudent, unwary.

Antonyms: cautious, circumspect, wary, prudent, deliberate, timorous, careful.

Translation: précipité, in French; precipitado, in Spanish; frettoloso, in Italian.
Hutten was rash enough; but not a few of his intimate friends were still rasher than he.
The Gentleman's Magazin, vol. 191
 […] he stumbled not, he paused not, but bounded on, while the rashest horseman of the party pulled in his rein.
George Rainsford… The robber
[…] the timid girl, unable to silence him, and blushing and trembling at language so new to her, at last endeavoured to [… end his declaration] by escaping from the dance. He was rash enough to prevent her attempt by forcibly detaining her at his side.
 Bentley's Miscellany, vol. IX
"My brother is rash, and speaks hastily," interrupted Mildred.
John Kennedy… Horse-Shoe Robinson

-) With the preposition in + a noun or a gerund:

It is probable that, in the time of Cato, the Romans had begun to extend their villas considerably, which makes him warn proprietors of land not to be rash in building.
John Dunlop… History of Roman Literature
[…] do not be rash in this affair.
Charles Lever… Tom Burke of "Ours"
[She became] convinced of her error, and acknowledged she had been too rash in censuring me.
Robert Paltock… Peter Wilkins
2. (Of a personal action) characterized by rashness or manifesting imprudence; proceeding from inconsideration.

[…] by a rash and foolish altercation, you would jeopardy everything.
Charles Lever… Barrington
It would, however, be rash to suppose that those were the most innocent who finished the soonest.
John Scott… The London Magazine
Until the shells of this Archipelago and of the neighbouring coasts are better known, it would be rash to assert that even these two latter shells are extinct.
Charles Darwin… Volcanic Islands
It was the rashest act of my life.
Herman Melville… Omoo
"Now don't talk so much, Theodore Van Beck," Betty interrupted. "Since you're such a fine musician, you'd do well to express yourself with music instead of rash words."
Scott Fitzgerald… What a Handsome Pair!
English words derived from RASH: rashness, rashly.  

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