Pronunciation: trɛnd
Etymology: from Middle English trenden (= to roll or turn about). The words “trendle”, and “trindle” are from the same origen as “trend”.
Preterite tense: trended. Preterite participle: trended.
Present participle: trending.
Intransitively: 1. To turn round; --it is now obsolete.
2. (Of a river, coast-line, mountain-range, etc.) a. To appear with a specified trending or turning. b. Hence: to appear with a specified direction; to have a direction, which is designated either by the preposition to, or towards, or otherwise.
Synonyms: to tend, bend.
Translation: s’étendre dans une certaine direction, in French; extenderse en cierta dirección, in Spanish; estendersi in una certa direzione, in Italian.
[…] the ridge which runs south and parallel to the Newry river ends nearly opposite Warren Point, and trends round by Clermont Carn to Annaverna mountain.
Charles Hamilton… Dublin and Mourne Mountain
It was with joy, therefore, that I found a second road which branched away from the other, trending through a fir-wood towards the north.
Arthur Doyle… The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard
We remained a day at the village of Moyara. Here the valley in which the Lekone flows trends away to the eastward, while our course is more to the northeast.
David Livingstone… Travels and Researches in South Africa
Here the land trended to the west-northwest till we came to the last point of an extensive inlet, or bay.
John Ross… Narrative of a Second Voyage
The channel in which we now found ourselves trended generally about north-east by east for a distance of some four and a half miles.
Harry Collingwood… Overdue
The road kept trending towards the mountain, following the line of the old Flaminian Way, which we could see, at frequent intervals, close beside the modern track.
Nathaniel Hawthorne… Passages
Westward of Astorga, two great ranges of mountains trend from north to south.
Walter Scott… The Edinburgh Annual Register
3. Metaphorically: (of something incorporeal) to manifest a tendency or trend; to extend with a guessable development or process.
Other English words derived from trend: trendify, trendily, trendiness, trending, trendless, trendy.