Antiacademy English Dictionary


jueves, 26 de julio de 2012


Inferrible, inferable
Etymology: derived from the verb infer, with the suffix –able.
Definition: (of a conclusion, a reasoning, an inference, a deduction, etc.) that may be inferred; this is, that may be deducible from (a principle, an evidence, a premise, etc.)
It may be approximately translated by deducible, in Spanish; inferibile, in Italian; qui peut être inféré, in French.

The conquest of this part of Asia by the Tartars was effected about 150 years before our era, and it seems to be hence inferrible that the mines must have been worked prior to that period.
William Jacob (An historical inquiry into the production… )

***With the preposition from, before a noun or a noun clause significative of the principle, evidence, premise, etc.:

If the climate of New York was at that period so mild, as to induce the colonists to believe they could successfully cultivate the olive, as an article of commerce, as would seem to be inferrible from what our author says on that subject, it would appear as if some change had taken place.
The North American review, vol. 54

That a paralyzing influence over the voluntary muscles, and ultimately over the respiratory system, with death from asphyxia, are the ordinary effects of poisonous doses of conium, are also inferrible from the experiments of Dr. Christison […]
George Bacon Wood (A treatise on therapeutics…)

That this process is promoted by the medicine, is inferrible from the obvious loss of flesh which takes place during the existence of mercurialism, amounting not unfrequently to great emaciation.
George Bacon Wood (A treatise on therapeutics…)

It […] remains to ascertain whether such a quantity has been produced, and this can only be inferrible from a general calculation.
Henry Schultes (reflections…)

The population of the United State in 1840, is rated at 17 millions. What it will be a hundred years hence, it is not easy to calculate. What it may be, however, is inferrible from the fact that our territory is immensely extensive […]
The Knickerbocker, vol. 2

[…] I think such intention should be inferrible from the proclamation.
The works of Alexander Hamilton, vol. 4

I do not know whether it be inferrible directly from the paper, but I think it may indirectly be concluded from it, that if an administration could be formed in France, […] we ought to enter into amity, possibly into an alliance, with that power.
The works and correspondence of Edmund Burke, vol. 2

This is inferrible from Caesar’s words, talking of their bravery and power of endurance.
Martin A. O’Brennan (Ancient Ireland)

Other English vocables derived from, or compounded with one of the radicals of Latin ferre: ablate, ablation, ablatitious, ablatival, ablative, afferent, allative, circumference (noun, verb), circumferential, circumferentially, circumferentor, confer, conferee, conference (noun, verb), conferencier, conferential, defer, deference, deferent, deferential, deferentiality, deferentially, deferment, deferral, deferred, deferrer, deferring, delate, delated, delating, delation, delator, differ, different, difference (noun, verb), differenced, differencing, differencingly, different, differentiability, differentiable, differential, differentialize, differentially, differentiant, differentiate, differentiated, differentiating, differentiator, differentiation, differentiator, differently, differentness, differing, dilatory, dilatoriness, dilatorily, efferent, efferential, elate (verb, adj.), elated, elatedly, elatedness, elatement, elative, elation, feracious, feracity, fertile, fertilely, fertilness, fertility, fertilizable, fertilization, fertilize, fertilized, fertilizing, fertilizer, illation, illative, illatively, infer, inferably, inference, inferential, inferentially, lative, legislator, legislatorship, legislatorial, legislatorially, legislatress, legislatrix, legislature, legislate, legislated, legislating, legislation, legislational, legislative, legislatively, oblate, offer (noun, verb), offerable, offered, offeree, offerer, offering, perlative, pestiferous, pestiferously, pestiferousness, prefer, preferability, preferable, preferableness, preferably, preferee, preference, preferent, preferential, preferentialism, preferentialist, preferentially, preferentiate, preferment, preferred, preferredness, preferrer, preferring, prelate, prelatehood, prelately, prelateship, prelatess, prelatial, prelatic, prelatical, prelatically, prelaticalness, prolate, prolately, prolateness, prolation, prolative, prolatively, refer, referring, referability, referable, referee (noun, verb), refereed, refereeing, reference (noun, verb), referenced, referencing, referencer, referend, referendarial, referendary, referendaryship, referendum, referent, referential, referentially, referentiality, referently, referral, referrible, referribleness, relate (noun, verb), relatable, relatability, related, relatedness, relater, relation (noun, verb), relational, relationality, relationally, relationary, relationism, relationist, relationless, relationship, relatival, relative, relatively, relativism, relativist, relativistic, relativistically, relativity, relativization, relativize, relativized, relator, suffer, sufferable, sufferably, suffered, sufferer, suffering, sufferingly, superlative, superlatively, superlativeness, transfer (noun, verb), transferred, transferable, transferability, transferee, transference, transferential, transferer, transferor, transferrable, transferrableness, transferral, transferrer, transferring, translate, translatable, translatability, translatableness, translated, translating, translation, translational, translationally, translationese, translative, translator, translatorship, translatorese, translatory, translatress, translatrix, vociferate, vociferated, vociferating, vociferation, vociferative, vociferator, vociferous, vociferously, vociferousness, untranslated, untranslatable, untranslatableness, untranslatably, untranslatability, intranslatable, untransferred, untransferrable, untransferable, intransferable, intransferrible, unsuffered, unsuffering, unsufferably, unsufferable, unsufferableness, insufferable, insufferableness, insufferably, unrelated, unrelatedness, unrelatable, unrelating, unrelational, unrelative, unrelatively, undifferenced, undifferencing, indifference, indifferency, indifferent, indifferential, indifferentiated, indifferentism, indifferentist, indifferently, indifferentness, infertile, infertilely, infertileness, infertility, unfertile, unfertileness, unfertility, unfertilized, inferribility, unpreferred, undilatory, correlate (noun, verb), correlated, correlation, correlational, correlative, correlatively, correlativeness, correlativity, disrelate, disrelated, intercorrelate, intercorrelation intercorrelational, interrelate, interrelated, interrelatedness, interrelation, interrelationship, irrelate, irrelated, irrelation, irrelative, irrelatively, irrelativeness, unindifferent, unindifference