Accent: reinspect
Etymology: it is the verb inspect, to which is prefixed re-. This inspect is a participial stem of Latin inspicere, compounded with in- and specere (= to look).
Present third person singular: reinspects.
Indicative past, past participle: reinspected
present participle: reinspecting.
Definition: to inspect again.
Approximate equivalents: ispezionare nouvamente, in Italian; inspeccionar otra vez, in Spanish; inspecter, inspectionner à nouveau, in French.
The next morning Sister Anne was up by daylight, reinspecting her little bundle of clothes, and making up her slips of paper into a small parcel. Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, vol. 12
After a close study of the face of the pilot on watch, I wa satisfied that I had never seen him before; so I went up there. The pilot inspected me; I reinspected the pilot. These customary preliminaries over, I sat down on the high bench. Mark Twain (Life on the Mississippi)
Imported products are reinspected at ports of entry. S. Suzanne Nielsen (Food Analysis)
After the first year a selected group and random sample of the first foals from each stallion are inspected. Quality of the foals must indicate that a stallion exerts a positive influence on the breed. After another two years, the progeny are reinspected. Bonnie L. Hendricks – Anthony A. Dent (International Encyclopedia of Horse Breeds)
Other English words composed with, or derived from, stems of Latin specere: respiteless, respite (verb, noun), unrespited, aspect, aspectable, aspected, aspectual, circumspect, circumspection, circumspectious, circumspective, circumspectively, circumspectly, circumspectness, uncircumspect, uncircumspection, uncircumspectly, conspicuous, conspicuity, conspicuously, conspicuousness, unconspicuous, inconspicuous, inconspicuously, inconspicuousness, despise, despisable, despisal, despised, despiser, despiseress, despising, despisingly, despite (noun, prep.), despiteful, despitefully, despitefulness, despitely, despiting, despicable, despicability, despicableness, despicably, especial, especially, especialness, espy, espying, unspied, espial, espier, espiery, espionage, expect, expectable, expectance, expectancy, expectant, expectantly, expectation, expectative, expected, expectedly, expecter, expecting, expectingly, expective, expector, unexpectable, unexpectant, unexpectation, unexpected, unexpectedly, unexpectedness, unexpecting, unexpectingly, inexpectancy, inexpectant, inexpectation, inspect, inspected, inspecting, inspectingly, inspectable, inspectability, inspection, inspectional, inspective, inspector, inspectoral, inspectorate, inspectorial, inspectorship, inspectress, inspectrix, uninspected, reinspect, reinspection, introspection, introspect, introspected, introspecting, introspectible, introspectionism, introspectionist, introspectionistic, introspective, introspectively, introspectiveness, introspectivism, introspector, unintrospective, perspective, perspectival, perspectivally, perspective (noun, verb), perspectived, perspectiveless, perspectively, perspectivic, perspectivism, perspectivist, perspectivistic, perspectivity, perspicacity, perspicacious, perspicaciously, perspicaciousness, perspicuity, perspicuous, perspicuously, perspicuousness, unperspicuous, imperspicuous, imperspicuity, prospect (noun, verb), prospecting, prospection, prospective, prospectively, prospectiveness, prospectless, prospector, prospectus, prospectusless, unprospected, respect (noun, verb), respectability, respectabilize, respectable, respectableness, respectably, respectant, respected, respecter, respectful, respectfully, respectfulness, respective, respectively, respectiveness, respectless, disrespect (noun, verb), disrespected, disrespecting, disrespectability, disrespectable, disrespecter, disrespectful, disrespectfulness, disrespectfully, unrespect, unrespectable, unrespected, unrespectful, unrespectfully, unrespecting, unrespective, unrespectively, unrespectiveness, retrospect (noun, verb), retrospection, retrospective, retrospectively, retrospectiveness, retrospectivity, retrospectus, special (noun, verb, adv), specialism, specialist, specialistic, speciality, specialization, specialize, specialized, specializer, specializing, specially, specialness, specialty, speciate, speciation, specie, species, speciesism, speciesist, specifiable, specific, specifical, specificality, specifically, specificate, specificated, specificating, specification, specificity, specificize, specificness, specified, specifier, specify, specifying, specimen, specimenify, specimenize, speciosity, specious, speciously, speciousness, unspecial, unspecified, unspecialized, unspecie, unspecific, despecialize, despecialization, despecificate, spectacle (noun, verb), spectacled, spectacle-glass, spectacular, spectacularity, spectacularism, spectacularly, spectate, spectating, spectation, spectator, spectatordom, spectatorism, spectatorial, spectatorially, spectatorship, spectatory, spectatress, spectatrix, spectre, spectral, spectralism, spectrality, spectralness, spectrally, spectred, spectrous, spectrum, spectry, specular, specularly, speculate, speculated, speculating, speculation, speculatist, speculative, speculatively, speculativeness, speculativism, speculator, speculatory, speculatrix, speculist, unspeculative, unspeculating, unspectacled, spice (noun, verb), spicing, spice-box, spiced, spiceless, spice-like, spicery, spicily, spiciness, spicy, allspice, bespice, unspiced, spite (noun, verb), spited, spiting, spiteful, spitefully, spitefulness, spiteless, spitish, spy (noun, verb), spydom, spy-glass, spying, spying-glass, spyism, spyship, suspect (noun, adj., verb), suspecting, suspectable, suspected, suspectedly, suspectedness, suspecter, suspector, suspectful, suspectfulness, suspectible, unsuspected, unsuspectedness, unsuspectedly, unsuspectful, unsuspectfulness, unsuspectible, unsuspecting, unsuspectingness, unsuspectingly, unsuspicion, unsuspicious, unsuspiciously, unsuspiciousness, suspicion (noun, verb), suspicional, suspicionful, suspicionless, suspicable, suspicious, suspiciously, suspiciousness, transpicuous, transpicuously, retroaspect
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