Accent: anorgasmic
Etymology: it is a denominative of anorgasmia. Anorgasmia is analysed in an- (privative prefix), orgasm and -ia (suffix). It is etymologically and semantically identical with Spanish anorgasmico, Italian anorgasmico, and French anorgasmique.
Other English vocables derived from orgasm: orgasmic, orgastic, anorgasmia, orgasm (verb), orgasmically
Definition: (of a person) who does not orgasm for any cause (for sickness, dysfunction, inability, inhibition, bigotry, etc.)
Antonym: orgasmic
[…] many women are anorgasmic (they don’t have orgasms) and have been either too embarrassed to mention it or they feel abnormal.
Beth Moran – Kathy Schultz (Finding the healer within)
I was asexual and anorgasmic until I was thirty-two years old. Then I discovered my sexuality, my identity as an intersexed person, and I learned how to become orgasmic.
Sharon E. Preves (Intersex and identity)
[…] after inducing an altered state in my patients, I saw an anorgasmic woman experience a clinical orgasm without physical touch […]
Joe Dispenza (Evolve your Brain)
[…] some women are totally anorgasmic, other are orgasmic during copulation, and others show frequent copulatory orgasm.
Peter James Bramwell Slater (Stress and behavior)
[…] an anorgasmic woman who is capable of enjoying sexual activity with a partner is not “dysfunctional” […]. Nevertheless, a woman may want to explore the possibility of experiencing orgasm.
John Bancroft (Human sexuality and its problems)
It is […] easy to understand why females who have been subjected to clitoridectomy are anorgasmic.
George C. Denniston – Marilyn Fayre Milos (Sexual mutilations)
Definition: (of a thing) characterized by anorgasmia
Antonym: orgasmic
An anorgasmic state is a distressing but relatively uncommon condition in men in which the […] process of erection and ejaculation occurs in the absence of the subjective sensation of pleasure initiated at the time of emission […]
Donald W. Pfaff (Hormones, brain, and behavior)
Ejaculation is taken as external proof that a man has experienced an orgasm, despite evidence that men can ejaculate without orgasm, technically known as anorgasmic ejaculation.
Lisa Jean Moore (Sperm Counts)